Manage my shareholding

To change your address, update your payment instructions and to view your investment portfolio including transactions, please visit:

Share Registrar – New Zealand
General enquiries can be directed to:
Private Bag 92119, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Telephone +64 9 488 8777 Facsimile +64 9 488 8787

Please assist our registrar by quoting your CSN or shareholder number.

Share Registrar - Australia
Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford,
VIC 3067, GPO Box 3329, Melbourne, 
VIC 3001, Australia

Phone: 1 800 501 366 (within Australia)
Phone: +61 3 9415 4083 (outside Australia)

Other questions should be directed to the EBOS Group General Manager, Mergers & Acquisitions and Investor Relations, Martin Krauskopf